Medicinal Plants of Texas is now available here
The book is not just an introduction to what plants grow in Texas and how they have been used. The book is a collection of experiences I have had as my students and I focused in on using both natives and weedy nonnatives in Central Texas. This book will help one to plan a medicinal herb garden, harvest plant material properly, make exceptional preparations, and have fun with Texas Medicinal and Edible Plants. Chapters include information on our unusual growing seasons, recipes from native plants and nonnative plants, wild harvesting considerations, and focus in on the allies listed below as well as including short introductions to almost 100 other native and weedy plants. Check back here for updates on ordering information. The book will be available both electronically and in print.
Here is a sample list of the plants included in the book
Acacia |
Acalypha |
Achillea |
Agave |
Ailanthus |
Albizzia |
Alium |
Amaranthus |
Ambrosia |
Amorpha |
Anemone |
Apocynum |
Aralia |
Arbutus |
Argemone |
Artemisia |
Aristolochia |
Asclepias |
Asclepias |
Avena |
Baccharis |
Bacopa |
Bapitisia |
Bignonia |
Boerhavia |
Brickelia |
Euphorbia |
Calicarpa |
Campsis |
Capsella |
Capsicum |
Castela |
Castilleja |
Ceanothus |
Cephalanthus |
Chenopodium |
Chilopsis |
Clematis |
Cnidoscolus |
Corydalis |
Crataegus |
Croton |
Datura |
Diospyros |
Echinacea |
Ephedra |
Equisetum |
Eriobryta |
Erodium |
Eryngium |
Eupatorium |
Eysenhardtia |
Fouqueria |
Galium |
Garrya |
Geranium |
Grindelia |
Hamamelis |
Hedeoma |
Helianthus |
Heterotheca |
Ilex |
Jatropha |
Juglans |
Juniperus |
Krameria |
Lamium |
Lantana |
Larrea |
Latuca |
Lepidium |
Lindera |
Lobelia |
Lonicera |
Mahonia |
Magnolia |
Malva |
Malvaviscus |
Marrubium |
Melia |
Melilotus |
Mentha |
Mirabilis |
Monarda |
Morus |
Oenothera |
Opuntia |
Passiflora |
Plantago |
Polygala |
Populus |
Prosopis |
Prunus |
Prunus |
Ptelea |
Quercus |
Rhus |
Rubus |
Rudbeckia |
Salix |
Salvia |
Sambucus |
Sassafrass |
Scutellaria |
Sida |
Smilax |
Solidago |
Sphaerelacea |
Stachys |
Stellaria |
Stillingia |
Taraxacum |
Ulmus |
Urtica |
Vaccinium |
Verbascum |
Verbena |
Viburnum |
Viola |
Vitex |
Yucca |
Zanthoxylum |
Zingzibre |
Calendula |
Foeniculum |
Melissa |