This list was created in 2010. I started doing this for my students in 2005. 2X a year, the Wildflower Center has a sale where you can actually purchase native plants they have propagated. I am posting this out of date list of their properties in case you want to choose the plants you buy for their edibility or the medicinal qualities. Want to know more–wait for my book or come take classes! Here are some brief notes on the plants….
List of Wildflower Center plants being sold with possible medicinal uses
You may go to to see pics and some monographs.
Acacia greggii var. wrightii Astringent, hemostatic, antimicrobial, antiinflammatory to the digestive tract, gum arabic alternative
Acalypha radians Aboveground parts used in salves to treat wounds that won’t heal.
Aesculus glabra var. arguta Some species used to treat varicosities—capillary fragility XXX
Aesculus pavia, related to the Horse Chestnut used to treat capillary fragility, some toxicity so who knows if it can be substitutedXXX
Agave americana This plant has an amazing history of use including the ability to harvest fresh water from it, fiber for sewing, as well as a built in thread. Used medicinally to treat arthritis. XXX contact dermatitis
Aquilegia ethnobotanical uses found for seeds used for headache. Astringent aboveground parts, used for diarrhea and antispasmodic—havent used???
Artemisia Mugwort relative, bitter, antibacterial, can use for rashes in vinegar or internally to help dispel parasites and regulate digestion. Some species regulating to menses
Bignonia capreolata Antifungal
Callicarpa americana used as insect repellent
Campsis radicans Antifungal
Capsicum annuum Chile pepper need I say more??XXX contact causes burning–duhhh
Chilopsis linearis Antifungal alternative to Pau D’arco, flowers for fungal infections in lungs
Clematis Drop dosage toxic medicinal used to treat migrainesXXX
Corydalis curvisiliqua Drop dosage toxic medicinal used to treat pain and tremors, see Traditional Chinese Medicine XXX
Datura wrightii Drop dosage toxic medicinal used to treat spasms and asthma attacksXX
Echinacea I hope you remember this one! Very popular, not for longterm use, drop dosage alterative and helps draw out poison topically
Equisetum Cleans water and has high amounts of calcium and silica, used medicinally to build blood, stregthen bones/teeth/hair. Also known for use in Urinary tract
Erigeron Stops bleeding, see old remedy in U.S. history, Oil of Erigeron
Eryngium Bladder Cancer
Gaillardia stomach and skin disorders,
Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida Vervain by another name! IBS, sedative, bitter calming
Hedeoma drummondii mock pennyroyal used as diaphoretic and like pennyroyal to bring on delayed menses and tone uterus
Ilex—vomitoria—-contains caffeine in bark. Leaves also stimulating and a great drink
Iris Lots and lots of usesXXX
Juglans Lvs Diarrhea and hulls for parasites. Hulls are also a source of iodine, thyroid?
Liatris These plants are diuretic, with tonic, stimulant, and emmenagogue properties
Lobelia cardinalis complex pharmacy sedative–Very imptnt medicinal plant XXX drop dosage–
Lonicera cooling antiinflammatory-lf and flower
Mahonia Agarita alterative bitter antimicrobial
Mimosa burns, leg ulcers in diabetics, skin inflammation and eczema, blossoms for the spirit
Monarda Badd ass bee balm, antifungal, thymol very high kills germs specific to throat
Nymphaea associated with reproductive organs lots of info here
Nuphar-reproductive excess
Oenothera Anticholesterolemic; Astringent; Hypotensive; Miscellany; Sedative. From plants for a future
Opuntia like aloe, astringent demulcent, antibacterial, flowers flavonoids, fruit delicious, blood sugar regulating
Passiflora sedative, antianxiety, helps promote sleep
Penstamon emollient wound healing esp used for stds
Prunella self heal…got it?–used for wounds
Ptelea Wafer ash, general gi stimulant/liver stimulant has berberine like agarita
Quercus Oak-major astringent
Rhus Great astringent and helps chafe in powdered form
Rubus dewberry use like raspberry leaf, berries YUMMY
Rudbeckia use like echinacea
Salvia Sage use to help dry secretions, respiratory infections, antimicrobial, natives have less it seems of the aromatics–maybe milder effects
Scutellaria sedative calming sleep promoting
Sphlaracea demulcent, used in hair rinses, emollient
Stachys Calming and neural regenerative
Tecoma blood sugar regulating, asthma, antifungal
Thelasperma Navaho tea-very pleasant tasting kidneys (mildly diuretic), to alleviate digestive problems (especially stomach cramps), and to purify the blood.
Verbena see glandularia
Viburnum antispasmodic muscular pain
Viola long and proven history of folk use, especially in the treatment of cancer and whooping cough salicylic acid
Yucca steroidal saponins which are used for inflammation, pain relieving for arthritic and joint pain. It is also good for blood purifying and cleaning of the kidneys and liver