Fall Equinox Giveaway
Fall Equinox is coming and we are celebrating with a G I V E A W A Y!!! I see the Fall Equinox as a time to pause and take a breath, as we begin to speed into the quickening of the darker times. I use the Equinox as a pivotal point when I stop, and think “How do I want my life to look by the end of this Solar year”? What are my herbal goals? Is my garden prepared for this season? Do I have remedies for the winter made? It’s a good time to reevaluate your year, and even consider a cleanse that supports your kidneys and moistens sunbaked skin and dehydration. We move from a hot and dry season to a cool and dry, so Spring Cleansing is quite different from Fall Cleansing. It may even include a technology detox, a herbal bath and oiling the skin. You can read more in my book Herbcraft Our shift into Fall at the Wildflower School comes with a way to give back to folks. 2022 has been quite a rollercoaster of a year. Enter here to win a chance at taking one of our in person classes in Austin this Fall or my next Online Class on Fall Herbal Rituals. Both come with a book of your choice and Texas Fire Cider.
Wildflower School GIVEAWAY
Enter our Giveaway. To complete your entry, please tag 3 friends on Instragram or Tik Tok on Sept 19 when you see our offering go live on social media!