6/13 Flower Essences In Practice with Karyn Sanders
Join us for this very special class in healing the spirit using flower essences. With all of life’s ups and downs, flower essences are a great way to bring the body together with the spirit. Please join us as we explore flower essences from a practitioner level, not just how essences can be applied, and how but how to bring them into a clinical practice. As Karyn says: your issues are in your tissues. Flower Essences allow us to unlock and heal things in profound ways and teach that gentle approaches can be quite powerful.
Karyn was first trained in Native American traditional plant medicine. In her mid-teens she apprenticed with a Mexican Curandera and has subsequently studied with various traditional teachers as well as Western herbalists. Karyn has been teaching and practicing herbal medicine from an energetic perspective for over 42 years. Karyn resides in Northern CA and trained students for many years as the Blue Otter School with her partner Sarah Holmes.
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