Join us on Dia de los Murtos, for a special class on Limpias
What is an energy cleaning? The first step of energy cleaning is to free a person, a space or object from any negative or stagnant energy.
Join us for demonstrations and discussions on different methods of cleaning and purifying the energy field. Our mission is to empower you with the ability to restore balance and harmony using sacred herbs.
Morning: Class will be carried out in a ceremonial manner including optional smudging for all participants. We will cover 10 sacred herbs, how to clear energy with an egg and reading its results (limpia de huevo con lectura), rituals and remedies for specific needs (such as evil eye, invoking abundance / prosperity, cutting ties, opening paths), along with learning different herbal preparations for clearing energy in children, adults, and spaces.
Potluck 1-2
Afternoon: Class will be 2-5 to practice what you learned in the morning. If you have worked with us before on Part one this is a good way to do deeper and work with us on practice.
Our Instructors: Catherine and Bernardo Martinez reside in fairy lands of the Sierra Alta region in Hidalgo, Mexico in a small pueblo called Xochicoatlán where they have transformed their home into a community space called Xochipilcalli (casa de medicina). This project is founded by their spiritual knowledge and path in the mexicayotl / toltecayotl ( camino espiritual de Mexico antiguo ) and studies of western and traditional Mexican herbalism, permaculture, bio magnetism, and anthroposophy. They have created a sanctuary for their two year old son ilhucahua and a healing ceremonial space for all who visit.